Monday, November 26, 2012

Escalation League Week 10 Results

This will be the last standings update for the 2012 Escalation League.  We hope to see all of you at the awards night next Tuesday where we will reveal the final results.   Here's how things look at this point.

RankPlayerTotal Score
1Nate Jones179
2Taylor Flesch160
4Chris Born142
5Wiley Kinyon130
6Paul Willworth126
8Jeff DeRemmer121
9Chris Bailey114
10Vincent Shaw109
11Ryan Odam86
12John Evans86
13Eli Kem86
14Tim Mote81
15Teague Watson74
16Josh Baughman71
18David Douglas53
19Michael Sauermilch51
20Chaz Bogner42
21Devyn Spencer42
22Brett Hanson41
23Brandon Harms40
24Ryan Williams39
25Dustin Boyd38
26Steele Hull35
27Matt Kinyon34
28Tony Bathke32
30Ben Sathrum26
31Ciera Miller23
32Michael Fogg20
33Max H17
34James Silkey16
35Kris Scrivner15
36Kate Hillig12
37Byron Harmon11
1. Chris Bailey
2. Teague Watson
3. Eli Kem

1. Nate Jones
2. Eli Kem
3. Taylor Flesch

- Ryan Odam
- Tony Bathke
- Eli Kem

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Final Week

Last week of Escalation League Battles. Has it been three months already?
Hope to see all of you there for the 2400 point finale. And don't forget the awards ceremony the following week.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Escalation League Week 9 Results

Sadly there are only 2 nights of escalation league left!  Two games left to give your scores that last boost.  Don't miss them!  We've got a fun scenario at 2000 points tomorrow night, and next weeks final game is at 2400 points.  Test out an idea for your Black Sheep Brawl army list perhaps?

RankPlayerTotal Score
1Nate Jones159
2Taylor Flesch141
4Paul Willworth126
5Chris Born122
6Wiley Kinyon114
7Jeff DeRemmer109
9Chris Bailey102
10Vincent Shaw97
11Ryan Odam86
12Eli Kem86
13Tim Mote81
14John Evans75
15Teague Watson74
16Josh Baughman71
18David Douglas53
19Michael Sauermilch51
20Devyn Spencer42
21Brett Hanson41
22Ryan Williams39
23Dustin Boyd36
24Chaz Bogner36
25Matt Kinyon34
27Tony Bathke27
28Ben Sathrum26
29Brandon Harms25
30Steele Hull23
31Ciera Miller23
32Michael Fogg20
33Max H17
34James Silkey16
35Kris Scrivner15
36Kate Hillig12
37Byron Harmon11
1. Chris Bailey
2. Teague Watson
3. Eli Kem

1. Nate Jones
2. Eli Kem
3. Taylor Flesch

- Ryan Odam
- Tony Bathke
- Eli Kem

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Escalation Week 10 Scenario

Week 10 Scenario
Defend the Village

Your enemies have discovered the location of one of your villages and it is up to you to see that the village remains safe.

Set up:  Meeting Engagement.  One side of the table will have two buildings set up on it.  These are the village. 
Players will roll off to determine the attacker.  The losing roll is the defender.   

Special Rules:  The buildings count as 2 level buildings.   Buildings can be destroyed by attacking it as if it were an enemy.   The building has Toughness 9, 8 wounds and are flammable.   
For every building destroyed the attacker gains 2 league points.   For every building surviving the defender receives 2 league points.    If both buildings are destroyed, the attacker gains an additional 1 league point.   If both buildings are still standings, the defender gains an additional 1 league point.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Escalation League Week 8 Results

Thanks to all the players who made it to the foodhammer tournament!  Your bonus points have been added for this weeks standings.  Seven of the players in the ten person tournament were escalation league players and earned 3 to 4 bonus points.  Here are the standings:

RankPlayerTotal Score
1Nate Jones137
2Taylor Flesch124
4Wiley Kinyon114
5Paul Willworth106
6Chris Born105
8Jeff DeRemmer97
9Chris Bailey95
10Ryan Odam86
11Vincent Shaw83
12Tim Mote81
13Eli Kem72
14Josh Baughman71
15John Evans67
16Teague Watson61
18David Douglas53
19Michael Sauermilch51
20Devyn Spencer42
21Brett Hanson41
22Ryan Williams39
23Dustin Boyd36
24Chaz Bogner36
25Matt Kinyon34
27Tony Bathke27
28Ben Sathrum26
29Steele Hull23
30Ciera Miller23
31Michael Fogg20
32Max H17
33Brandon Harms17
34Kris Scrivner15
35Kate Hillig12
36Byron Harmon11
38James Silkey6
1. Chris Bailey
2. Eli Kem
3. Ryan Odam

1. Nate Jones
2. Taylor Flesch
3. Eli Kem

- Eli Kem
- Ryan Odam
- Tony Bathke

Sorry, no pictures this week.  I went to take the first picture and my phone crashed and burned. :-(  By the way, why don't you go ahead and register for the Black Sheep Brawl?  It's going to be epic!  You can get 2400 points painted by then, I believe in you!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Escalation Week 8

Week 8 Scenario: Secret Orders
At the break of dawn, you face off against your opponents, ready to wipe them off of the map. Suddenly, before your forces engage, new orders arrive from your superiors.

Rules: Battle will be fought using dawn attack rules. Each player will receive a special objective to complete to earn bonus victory points in the battle.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Escalation League Week 7 Results

RankPlayerTotal Score
1Nate Jones122
2Taylor Flesch106
3Wiley Kinyon98
4Chris Born95
7Paul Willworth87
8Ryan Odam86
9Jeff DeRemmer85
10Tim Mote81
11Chris Bailey79
12Eli Kem72
13Josh Baughman71
14Vincent Shaw70
15John Evans56
17David Douglas53
18Michael Sauermilch51
19Teague Watson47
20Devyn Spencer42
21Brett Hanson41
22Ryan Williams39
23Dustin Boyd36
24Chaz Bogner36
25Matt Kinyon34
27Tony Bathke27
28Ben Sathrum26
29Steele Hull23
30Ciera Miller23
31Michael Fogg20
32Max H17
33Brandon Harms17
34Kris Scrivner15
35Kate Hillig12
36Byron Harmon11
38James Silkey6
1. Brett Hanson
2. John Evans
3. Chris Bailey

1. Nate Jones
2. Taylor Flesch
3. Eli Kem

- Ryan Odam
- Eli Kem
- Ryan Williams
- Tony Bathke